An assignment for my Natural History class. Had fun with this, trying out a more graphic approach to stuff.
Boyfriends moving in in a couple days, so I need to get some work done in the next few days. Gonna touch up on some things and post them sooner or later.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
So Red Nose Studio (Chris Sickels) had a gallery showing at my school
This was the Thursday before last. It was great. The gallery opened at 5:30 or so and he did an hour long talk later that night. I always love when Professional artists visit my school and give talks, it's always informative. He shared its and bits about his process, jobs he turned down to reach his goals, and the evolution of his artwork/style. You can view his website at :
During the opening and speech I took some photos so I'm just going to share a few of my favorites, yo.
I mostly wanted to just capture the "feel" of the gallery and talk. Enjoy.
During the opening and speech I took some photos so I'm just going to share a few of my favorites, yo.
I mostly wanted to just capture the "feel" of the gallery and talk. Enjoy.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Oof, an update
Sorry about the last two weeks, I haven't really had anything I specifically wanted to share. I've been meaning to convert some motion tests and "studies" from Animation Basics I. Right now we're story boarding and drawing up ideas for our final project. Been doing multiple things in my Phobias & Obsessions class, going back and redoing a project. Have a lot of sketch book drawings from my Natural History drawing class. I'll probably share the more finished pieces from that class toward the end of the semester. My book illustration class we've mostly been doing out concepts, and I honestly need to haul some ass in that class, but when I get it together I'll be sharing that. I've been busier with school that I expected at the beginning of the year, but I'm just dying to take a break and do my own work, get out my own ideas. I just feel bad whenever I put my own work first before school since I AM paying money for school.
Fear of Pee-Wee Herman from my phobia's class.
From my Natural History class. We had to take an article about weeds, & design the page with an illustration we did from our sketchbook.
Just a couple pages from my personal sketch book of some ladies and butts. I would post more from my sketchbook but I sort of plan on going back through it and making a lot of finishes from stuff I jotted down and drew. If I don't finalize anything by, I don't know, the end of the semester/school year I'll just post it on here. I don't know... should I post that stuff anyway or just wait till I've made finished pieces? I'll be starting a new sketchbook soon too.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Some Crafts from last semester
Some stuff from last semester. A toy made from recycled trash for experimental illustration and a book that I made for my sequential illustration class. I also have a "stand-up" type book I made for the same sequential class illustrating personal growth, done with paint, thread, marker and modified paper.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
You know that feeling when you literally have a million things to do? Yeah, well, I do. I don't like it. Have a convention this weekend. Have an exam tomorrow that I need to study for. Have homework I want to redo, touch up, finish, etc. Time to workworkwork.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Lines that make bodies
Oof. Now I can go do some homework. Semi sort of behind from stomach flus to ulcers to colds. A great start to a school year. Sorry for the brief updates.
These are the last of the gesture drawings from my Anatomy class first semester of last year. Most are two minute poses, but there's one that's a 20 minute pose (and obviously not a gesture). Some are five minute poses. Grabbin' my tea to workworkworkwork.
These are the last of the gesture drawings from my Anatomy class first semester of last year. Most are two minute poses, but there's one that's a 20 minute pose (and obviously not a gesture). Some are five minute poses. Grabbin' my tea to workworkworkwork.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
And by Thursday I mean two hours into Friday, right?
No. Yes.
Here are some sketches from my editorial natural history drawing class. It's sort of fun to experiment with some mediums I previously hated and get a new feel of just being messy. I actually really enjoy this class, but the work itself I don't like. While I do like what I've been doing in class, I personally don't think it's art so much as "hobbyist art". But hey, maybe that's just me having to shoot down everything I do as an artist. Maybe I've been an art school too long... who knows, I was jerk enough without the elitist art spewl. I happen to have a tumblr now, by the way: Link. I have a pretty cute background I made on there (and twitter) too. [The skulls are of a parona, a rabbit, a bird and a rat for the BG.]
Here are some sketches from my editorial natural history drawing class. It's sort of fun to experiment with some mediums I previously hated and get a new feel of just being messy. I actually really enjoy this class, but the work itself I don't like. While I do like what I've been doing in class, I personally don't think it's art so much as "hobbyist art". But hey, maybe that's just me having to shoot down everything I do as an artist. Maybe I've been an art school too long... who knows, I was jerk enough without the elitist art spewl. I happen to have a tumblr now, by the way: Link. I have a pretty cute background I made on there (and twitter) too. [The skulls are of a parona, a rabbit, a bird and a rat for the BG.]
Friday, September 23, 2011
Some Homework I Guess
Yeah, so, I forgot yesterday was Thursday. Here are some sketches for school assignment on plant phobias and an illustration I did for fun. I'll give more details next post I guess.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Hey, hey, hey
I've been a little behind on keeping up with blog posts and keeping up with a few of my favorite artists that I watch over here on blogspot and over on Deviantart. I'm mostly moved into the new apartment except for the three huge boxes sitting in the middle of my room begging to be unpacked, but I have better things to do, honestly. I have homework (school has started), personal projects galore and video games. Oh boy, have I been playing Fallout: New Vegas a lot lately this past week or so.
With the start of this new school year I have a handful of really great classes. I'm taking Animation Basics, Advanced Computer Illustration, and a few drawing illustration classes with a more narrative and editorial touch with a little anatomy and physiology class to top it off. I have a pretty heavy-duty schedule, but all that aside I still have several projects lined up in my little mind to get down on paper and up on a monitor. I've taken down notes for short term goals and personal due dates to make sure I can actually get things done for my personal enjoyment and growth outside of school assignments.
As I said, I'm still behind on posting older school work from last year, but I still want to share this junk with you guys so I'm gonna get that down and eventually get to my new sketchbook work... which, honestly, I probably won't upload a lot of. Now I have most of an entire sketchbook almost filled, but they way I sketch for personal thoughts is less readable for viewers than for me. There's stuff that I've fleshed out, and I'll share that. I'm really good at going on tangents of unneeded information by the way.
Anyway, the point--THE POINT--we don't want to miss the point.
One: I'm setting an official update, blogging day for myself. THURSDAYS.
[ This day will probably change for next semester or if I exerience any huge changes to my schedule. ]
Two: My Personal projects. Just so when I'm only updating tidbits here and there of doodles when I'm bored in between real work you all know I'm actually working on relvant, legit work.
Anyway, I'll be working on:
* 20 Costumed, Character Concepts
* Some Environmental studies & concepts
* A one shoot, modern/fantasy/gore comic
* A comic rewrite of an old short story
* A self bound, illustrated book
* Possible sculpture, nicknack-making
Three: I lost my job so expect commissions once I wrap a few things up and get examples and prices together. Give me all the money.
ALSO. I love my friends and we are mature.
[1:33:46 AM] Rancid Milk: butts
[1:33:58 AM] kate: tats
[1:34:10 AM] Rancid Milk: vag
[1:34:14 AM] kate: clit
[1:34:18 AM] Rancid Milk: dic
[1:34:22 AM] kate: knob
[1:34:25 AM] Rancid Milk: rectum
[1:34:27 AM] kate: scrote
[1:34:35 AM] Rancid Milk: testes
[1:34:46 AM] kate: vah-jay-jay
[1:34:58 AM] Rancid Milk: nippy-nips
[1:35:18 AM] kate: ~love pillows~
[1:35:30 AM] Rancid Milk: charlies
[1:38:04 AM] kate: big fucking queef
Notice the ocd time stamps.
Suddenly, ART. In no particular order. Gestures.
With the start of this new school year I have a handful of really great classes. I'm taking Animation Basics, Advanced Computer Illustration, and a few drawing illustration classes with a more narrative and editorial touch with a little anatomy and physiology class to top it off. I have a pretty heavy-duty schedule, but all that aside I still have several projects lined up in my little mind to get down on paper and up on a monitor. I've taken down notes for short term goals and personal due dates to make sure I can actually get things done for my personal enjoyment and growth outside of school assignments.
As I said, I'm still behind on posting older school work from last year, but I still want to share this junk with you guys so I'm gonna get that down and eventually get to my new sketchbook work... which, honestly, I probably won't upload a lot of. Now I have most of an entire sketchbook almost filled, but they way I sketch for personal thoughts is less readable for viewers than for me. There's stuff that I've fleshed out, and I'll share that. I'm really good at going on tangents of unneeded information by the way.
Anyway, the point--THE POINT--we don't want to miss the point.
One: I'm setting an official update, blogging day for myself. THURSDAYS.
[ This day will probably change for next semester or if I exerience any huge changes to my schedule. ]
Two: My Personal projects. Just so when I'm only updating tidbits here and there of doodles when I'm bored in between real work you all know I'm actually working on relvant, legit work.
Anyway, I'll be working on:
* 20 Costumed, Character Concepts
* Some Environmental studies & concepts
* A one shoot, modern/fantasy/gore comic
* A comic rewrite of an old short story
* A self bound, illustrated book
* Possible sculpture, nicknack-making
Three: I lost my job so expect commissions once I wrap a few things up and get examples and prices together. Give me all the money.
ALSO. I love my friends and we are mature.
[1:33:46 AM] Rancid Milk: butts
[1:33:58 AM] kate: tats
[1:34:10 AM] Rancid Milk: vag
[1:34:14 AM] kate: clit
[1:34:18 AM] Rancid Milk: dic
[1:34:22 AM] kate: knob
[1:34:25 AM] Rancid Milk: rectum
[1:34:27 AM] kate: scrote
[1:34:35 AM] Rancid Milk: testes
[1:34:46 AM] kate: vah-jay-jay
[1:34:58 AM] Rancid Milk: nippy-nips
[1:35:18 AM] kate: ~love pillows~
[1:35:30 AM] Rancid Milk: charlies
[1:38:04 AM] kate: big fucking queef
Notice the ocd time stamps.
Suddenly, ART. In no particular order. Gestures.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I have time some times and then I do things...
This week has been entirely too much to deal with. Have another horrible infection that's lasted a little more than a week, and now that I have two days off from work a week I still feel pretty wiped out from everything. I'm thinking I should put a weekend aside for myself instead of going straight from work on Friday at closing to spending all my free time with my boyfriend till the start of my shift at on Sunday. Thankfully my online history class is almost over (I have only one more essay to write).
I've been packing off and on this past week. I really can't think of anything more painful than moving (I've already moved about fifteen times, maybe more) other than dealing with the crumby realtor we got stuck with. We found this amazing apartment, has tons of room and a fairly decent location. Only problem? Well, the realtor is a moron. He's has created more problems than he has given us information. He didn't stay in touch with us for our payments, lied about when we had to give in money for the last month, deposit and realtor's fee... Refused to give us the landlord's phone number, ignored phone calls and emails, couldn't remember how much our rent was (even tried to cheat us out of money by saying our rent was more than it really was). The list goes on. As it stands I have no idea if I'm moving between this Saturday (the 27th) and Wednesday (the first). How am I supposed to make plans for people to help me move? Or get a truck/van for moving? I can't do any of this. I'm glad this guy at least lost the commision on us finding the place, but I honestly don't know what we're paying for for the realtor's fee, because this dingus hasn't done his job.
On a higher note I went to the movies with my lovely boyfriend and our friend Stephen after roaming Boston. We ran around the theatre, watched the movie The Guard (an amazing film) and Attack the Block (a not very good movie with hilarious slang.) That night we watched Brain Candy before bed and then watched Martin and Orlaff in the morning. Lots of movie watching. Played a little Prototype, got my Xbox 360 saves to successfully convert for use on PC so I can play out the dlcs for Fallout3 while I've also started up a game in Fallout: New Vegas.
Anyway... I cleaned up a sketch to start working on. I just need to finish an essay that's due tomorrow and get virtually everything packed up before I go along with that. I predict very little sleeping between today and this Sunday. I have a drawn out, closing shift to thank for that though.
I've also updated my twitter layout to be consistent with how my portfolio website will look: Twitter. My website is pretty much done, just need to work on some small details before posting it. Need to beef up my portfolio. Need time.
Finally had some time to finish what I had started at the beginning of the summer too! And here are also some compilations of gestures from my anatomy class from this past school year.
I've been packing off and on this past week. I really can't think of anything more painful than moving (I've already moved about fifteen times, maybe more) other than dealing with the crumby realtor we got stuck with. We found this amazing apartment, has tons of room and a fairly decent location. Only problem? Well, the realtor is a moron. He's has created more problems than he has given us information. He didn't stay in touch with us for our payments, lied about when we had to give in money for the last month, deposit and realtor's fee... Refused to give us the landlord's phone number, ignored phone calls and emails, couldn't remember how much our rent was (even tried to cheat us out of money by saying our rent was more than it really was). The list goes on. As it stands I have no idea if I'm moving between this Saturday (the 27th) and Wednesday (the first). How am I supposed to make plans for people to help me move? Or get a truck/van for moving? I can't do any of this. I'm glad this guy at least lost the commision on us finding the place, but I honestly don't know what we're paying for for the realtor's fee, because this dingus hasn't done his job.
On a higher note I went to the movies with my lovely boyfriend and our friend Stephen after roaming Boston. We ran around the theatre, watched the movie The Guard (an amazing film) and Attack the Block (a not very good movie with hilarious slang.) That night we watched Brain Candy before bed and then watched Martin and Orlaff in the morning. Lots of movie watching. Played a little Prototype, got my Xbox 360 saves to successfully convert for use on PC so I can play out the dlcs for Fallout3 while I've also started up a game in Fallout: New Vegas.
Anyway... I cleaned up a sketch to start working on. I just need to finish an essay that's due tomorrow and get virtually everything packed up before I go along with that. I predict very little sleeping between today and this Sunday. I have a drawn out, closing shift to thank for that though.
I've also updated my twitter layout to be consistent with how my portfolio website will look: Twitter. My website is pretty much done, just need to work on some small details before posting it. Need to beef up my portfolio. Need time.
Finally had some time to finish what I had started at the beginning of the summer too! And here are also some compilations of gestures from my anatomy class from this past school year.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Time should probably stop doing that rude thing that it does, imo
Holy Shit has this summer gone by fast. I never want to work 6 to 7 days a week again, unless it's involving art. I'm sorry, but just working at a staples and doing equipment book keeping is not satisfying... especially when it restricts my free time to the point where I have to exhaust myself by staying up late just to draw some here and there.
But what am I working on? Well... I'm finally getting around to finishing the banner for my portfolio website. I've done a couple commissions and requests for a few friends and people who've asked. I'm doing a couple digital painting studies of skulls. I've been trying to experiment a little with shading (on works not seen here) and inking (also yet to be posted, I'm boring I know).
Recently I picked up a little over 30 games for $70 on steam for their Quakecon2011 deal, so hopefully I can manage what I can of these games before school comes and I continue having no free time for myself. I also traded my friend a G1 for a 360 with no harddrive, but eh, I mostly play pc games anyway. Converted my old 360 saves to pc so I can keep up with my old Fallout characters, finish Bioshock 2 and some other games. Words, words, words. There was a lot more I wanted to say, but I don't remember.
But what am I working on? Well... I'm finally getting around to finishing the banner for my portfolio website. I've done a couple commissions and requests for a few friends and people who've asked. I'm doing a couple digital painting studies of skulls. I've been trying to experiment a little with shading (on works not seen here) and inking (also yet to be posted, I'm boring I know).
Recently I picked up a little over 30 games for $70 on steam for their Quakecon2011 deal, so hopefully I can manage what I can of these games before school comes and I continue having no free time for myself. I also traded my friend a G1 for a 360 with no harddrive, but eh, I mostly play pc games anyway. Converted my old 360 saves to pc so I can keep up with my old Fallout characters, finish Bioshock 2 and some other games. Words, words, words. There was a lot more I wanted to say, but I don't remember.
Digital sketches of a design for bloomers and an apron that I plan on sewing.
These are studies, sketches from last summer (2010). Practicing expression and a deformed man. huehue. After these I'm going to be posting all the stuff from this past school year I haven't posted yet. My sketchbook is nothing but sketchy ideas and weird doodles. I'll post some more of those later on too. My scanner/printer is also broken, so I'm holding off on my traditional sketchbook. Been using my tablet more anyway, so...
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I'm alive, I assure you... i just need a long god damn nap.
Working six to seven days a week between two different jobs on top of switching to a new medication (that is doing more worse than good) I am so exhausted and beside myself I don't know what to do, when to do it or have the ability to start it when I at least have most everything together. I just haven't been able to work on anything art related for extended periods of time, which is honestly killing me. It's escalating stress and taking the fun out of it because now I feel like I need to do it when it's something I love doing...
So, I told my boss to cut my hours. I should be working five days a week now. I rather be poor than an unhappy, artless artist. Need to prioritize more and put myself first for once. I get to see my doctor this Thursday and will hopefully get a medication change so I'm closer to normal and can focus on what I want to do rather than what I need to do and being overly fatigue because I work too much and medication robbing my of life and soul. Oof.
While I haven't really been up to anything significant of sorts I've doodled some and done this and that for people (and still have more to do).
I also have a music pen pal. We make cds to each other and send them in the mail. I was a total jerk and took almost six months to send my response and put together a multi-media piece for her to make up for it. What says, "I'm sorry for being a jerk and how does time work" better than art? Nothing. Because artists don't know time. Nope.
New phone. New old keyboard with sticky keys. Dumb.
I feel like I should also mention that I've been re-watching one of my favorite childhood series: Xena the Warrior Princess. Hello gay subtext. Hello, hello, hello. Never caught that before lol
And then a sketch. Looking at this reminds me of how I need to design my damn tattoos and Jesus christ--it's been a month since my last post and that really puts how exhausted and short on time I've been into perspective. I need an art related job because my head pops. Yep.
So, I told my boss to cut my hours. I should be working five days a week now. I rather be poor than an unhappy, artless artist. Need to prioritize more and put myself first for once. I get to see my doctor this Thursday and will hopefully get a medication change so I'm closer to normal and can focus on what I want to do rather than what I need to do and being overly fatigue because I work too much and medication robbing my of life and soul. Oof.
While I haven't really been up to anything significant of sorts I've doodled some and done this and that for people (and still have more to do).
I also have a music pen pal. We make cds to each other and send them in the mail. I was a total jerk and took almost six months to send my response and put together a multi-media piece for her to make up for it. What says, "I'm sorry for being a jerk and how does time work" better than art? Nothing. Because artists don't know time. Nope.
I'm not positive but these are probably the best pictures I have of the art and cd. I forget if I used the cannon to take more, but if I did I'll be sure to add them. The piece is mostly marker, pen and embroidery.
New phone. New old keyboard with sticky keys. Dumb.
I feel like I should also mention that I've been re-watching one of my favorite childhood series: Xena the Warrior Princess. Hello gay subtext. Hello, hello, hello. Never caught that before lol
And then a sketch. Looking at this reminds me of how I need to design my damn tattoos and Jesus christ--it's been a month since my last post and that really puts how exhausted and short on time I've been into perspective. I need an art related job because my head pops. Yep.
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