Not exactly in order or anything. This is from the Principles of Sculpting I class that I took during the Fall semester. They range from 15-30 minute gestures. One I think is from two days. I didn't actually take pictures of all the gestures we did during class, just a few (I've posted them all). For those that I did take pictures of I took several going around the figure. For a while we were also doing a sculpture of a head, but mine broke so I have no pictures. I plan on taking a sculpture illustration class this upcoming year in the Spring too and maybe getting myself to do some actual sculpture in my own time (I want to do everything ever, apparently). Protip: The more competently done ones are mid-way down the page through to the bottom.
Sculpture is great though. you get a better grasp of anatomy, distribution, weight, poses, etc. It's a wonderful experience.