Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mery Holidays Card

Merry Holidays card with hand written type.
The red version is printed and being sold at the Brookline Booksmith at 279 Harvard St, Brookline, MA this Saturday alongside other local artists renditions of holiday cards.
It's printed on pearlized ivory paper and comes with an 6x6" envelope, wrapped in twine thread.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A little mushroom piece I did based off some life drawing sketches. I experimented a little with mixed media. Result: wavering satisfaction. And then a few repeat patterns I've made for fun.
Part time jobs and being a teaching assistant is time consuming as hell, by the way.

RAW Gallery: Translations - Pictures

So back in September I was a featured artist in Raw Boston’s gallery show Translations. I’m just getting around to posting some pictures form the show (I only just recently received them anyway.)